The Problem

Few problems facing parents today are as large as the one of how can they afford to send their kids to college. In recent years college tuition rates have doubled that of inflation. The problem is so overwhelming that many utilize unsound practices to att

The Problem

The Solution

Although the development of social, intellectual and career skills are the primary goals of a good college education, a recent study has revealed that the #1 reason for students' failure to attain these goals has been the worry over how - or if - their co

The Solution

College Planning Center

Financing education is not a pleasant topic. Many parents probably wish that it was not a consideration at all. Unfortunately, each year many students face limited choices because of lack of financial planning for college. In order to b

College Planning Center

Financing College

Financial aid makes up the difference between what families can afford and educational costs. The belief is that students who can’t afford the full cost of education should still have the chance to go. In th

Financing College

The Situation

Financing college is an out growth of a parent's moral obligation to educate their children. The objectives are to provide better social and economic opportunities for their offspring than they had in spite of the  current tight economy and shrink

The Situation

Survey Question

Do you think your responsibility & obligation as a Parent is to:

The Situation | Print |

Financing college is an out growth of a parent's moral obligation to educate their children. The objectives are to provide better social and economic opportunities for their offspring than they had in spite of the  current tight economy and shrinking public funds. They may approach this moral dilemma without full understanding of the magnitude of this problem.

The Problem 

Few problems facing parents today are as large as the one of how can they afford to send their kids to college. In recent years college tuition rates have doubled that of inflation. The problem is so overwhelming that many utilize unsound practices to attempt to finance college. Examples of this are: taking a second mortgage, cashing in an insurance product, paying for scholarship searches, dipping into retirement plans, taking out huge personal loans or liquidating property - all of which put the  entire family's economic health in jeopardy for many years. Younger children in the family often are forced to delay entry into college due to lack of needed funds.

The Solution

Although the development of social, intellectual and career skills are the primary goals of a good college education, a recent study has revealed that the #1 reason for students' failure to attain these goals has been the worry over how - or if - their college bills would be paid.

Traditional methods of approaching a college education today may fall short of their expected goals due to economics and procrastination. NCFS approaches a college education in a very nontraditional manner. The program NCFS offers can ease the stress on the family's finances, there by allowing the student to focus on the task at school. NCFS is a community service company that provides information about college entitlements through the Federal Family Education Loan Program.
